The Game Developers Conference is the world’s largest and longest-running professionals-only game industry event. The GDC is March 14 – 18 in San Francisco. Birdly by Somniacs is one of eight winners of the Best In Play award. Birdly is a fully immersive VR experience where the user actually becomes a bird flying through PLW Modelworks photo-accurate 3D city models. PLW 3D models are some of the highest fidelity models in the market and we are happy to have been chosen by the Birdly team to be used for their demonstrations. Somniacs has recently taken their Birdly commercial from its prototype level to a compact commercial product that is endurable, reliable and easy to maintain.
PLW congratulates Birdly on its award and is looking forward to providing them and their clients with many photo-accurate 3D models to fly through! If you are attending GDC be sure to stop by booth PL418 and experience Birdly and PLW 3D models for yourself!
Here’s a quick glimpse at our San Francisco model for those of you who can’t make the conference…